The waiting game part II

Women amaze me, especially in the labor process. Something inside them kicks in and as a man you have to just sit back and think one of two things; the first being WOW that looks like it hurts tied with the feeling of I’m glad its not me, the other is trying to figure out something you can do to alleviate the pain. There’s not. We did the classes and learned all about the breathing and some suggestions for “the birthing partner” to do but aside from some encouraging words, the occasional back rub and holding her hand we get to watch in astonishment.

Late last week Tara started having minor contractions that got regular Saturday evening. By 3:30am Sunday (also our first anniversary) we were at the hospital with contractions right on top of each other every 3-5 minutes lasting a minute for a couple hours. I don’t know if it was my driving, the air in the hospital or the monitors hooked up on her but after being at the hospital for about thirty minutes they slowed to about ten minutes apart. After a couple hour-long walks and monitoring in between with no change, we came home to rest. We both were able to get a few hours of sleep. Contractions all yesterday were sporadic which also allowed for her to get some sleep last night. This morning they are starting to get regular again averaging 5-7 minutes. Tara is falling asleep between them. Exhausted she wakes, looks at the clock, breathes, gives a sigh of relief and falls back asleep.

Not wanting my wife to struggle much more hopefully/prayerfully my next post will be introducing you to baby Hannant.

The waiting game

I’ve said before that between everything with the chop and baby, this summer is pretty much a waiting game. In a matter of days baby will be here. We had a baby appointment today, and the only news we got was that everything is on track, and it should be any day now. Thanks that helps, especially with the routine questions. The main question that is getting asked constantly is, “are you ready?” I don’t know, baby isn’t here yet; I’ll let you know. I am as ready as I think I can be, Tara and I have had nine months to prepare, I think that’s good notice. I have heard all kinds of advice, some I can tell right away is, “not the way I would go about things” some I can’t tell whether it is good or bad however, baby’s not here yet, I’ll let you know. The other side of that question is the tangible side. Yes, we are ready. Baby’s room is all put together and collecting dust. We have all the clothes we need along with everything that baby and mommy require, and a little more. I think the only thing missing is a daddy with two legs, but that one is in the process of being resolved.

The hardest part about this waiting game for me is trying to do anything. I won’t go to far into it but with me being out from work so long there have been some changes. I need to make a decision of whether or not this current/new position will provide for my growing family. I’m almost to the point where I don’t think that it will, and need to make a change. However, making that decision now is hard while in this waiting game. I don’t think it looks too good with a new employer to start and a couple days in say, “my wife just had a baby and I have family in town, see you in a month.” In this process, I’m doing my best at supporting my wife. There is not much I can do for an independent pregnant woman aside from reminding her how beautiful she is, and putting lotion on her feet. So I sit, and with every cramp or moan wonder/hope to hear, “It’s time”.

ATM Parking

I’ve been in one of those moods where I am just looking for a fight, and this afternoon I just could not help myself. Stupid drivers have got to be my biggest source of frustration, aside from insurance caps. I was at a local grocer/ wannabe Wal-Mart looking for a parking spot and all the blue guys were taken. I had passed this lady a couple times looking for a spot, and I noticed that a handicap spot was opening up. I pull up to wait for it and right on my bumper is this lady again. As I pull forward she does as well, and slides into the area next to me marked full of yellow lines, that has the ramp up the to the sidewalk and is also for vans that have lifts. There is an outdoor ATM there with a long line that she quickly gets in. There were a couple other people eyeballing her and who better to let her know of her idiocy than a one legged man, since she was starring as it is.

For the sake of my Mother, I will not recite a word for word dialog, but I walked by and politely with a hint of sarcasm said, “excellent parking”. She snidely responds with a, “hey I’m just using the ATM and it’s raining” to which I respond with, “I see that, I’m glad for you that the yellow lines and blue signs mean ATM parking” that got a nice laugh from the line. I got called a nice name along with a similar response about the rain. There were some pleasantries exchanged as I provided her with the intent of yellow lines and blue signs, but she never faulted from her position that it doesn’t matter, “I’m just using the ATM and it’s raining” except with different expletives. Satisfied, and also seeing that I was obviously in the wrong I went inside, out of the rain.